Lockdown weddings: a wedding etched in history

Lockdown weddings: a wedding etched in history

“I will tell my children about this year, I will tell them that mum got married during this year 2020, a year that will mark the history books”

So yes, you can tell that to your children and grandchildren. I am one of those people who sees the glass half full, who always sees light even in the most complete darkness. As a designer of wedding jewelry, and not main jewelry like wedding rings but purely wedding accessories such as head jewelry, hair jewelry, I am directly impacted by this COVID crisis. I had two choices: cry and cry again and lament my fate with these charges that are piling up or else roll up my sleeves and let my creativity speak and call on my background as an economist (yes, yes, I I am a former economist graduated from the Sorbonne and I will tell you about my background in another article).

And so since the first confinement I have carried out projects: the opening of my workshop with a showroom space, new creations again and again, so much so that the site is struggling to follow and me too: I don't I haven't put them all online yet and they are previewed at the showroom: all the more reason to make an appointment. I also created a range of everyday jewelry, which is water resistant to continue the adventure more than the time of a walima and which my former and future clients love.

So yes in the end the year 2020 was super extra but really difficult but if I am recovering from this crisis it is that the brand still has good days ahead of it and me too (well I hope).

From this confinement, this virus, this disease (which has reached us within our family circle) I have learned lessons: that of the celebration of life and happy moments, of each smile or hug from my children, your thanks and amazed eyes when you discover your jewelry, your messages when you discover your order in your mailbox.

And you, reader, married or not during the crisis or lockdown, postponed wedding or otherwise, you are brave and heroic, it's only gone 😉.


Hafida the creator

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